
DIY Thank you Gift Ideas for your Mother

If your family does not accept cash or gift cards as presents, you are aware of how far in front you must begin your hunt for the ideal present. You have to be a little more inventive when you aren't able to rely on the quick, last-minute solution of giving someone some cash or a gift card to a much-adored retailer. 

Even though this usually results in the gifts being more thoughtful and valuable than they otherwise would be, it can also make gift-giving more challenging. Especially if you're buying presents for parents or other people who are notoriously tough to buy for. Your parents could be fussy or seem to have everything they could need or want.

DIY Ideas for your Mother

Following are some DIY thank-you gift ideas for your mother:

Child’s Handprint Jewelry Dish Made of Clay

Clay jewelry dish with a child's handprint - Use your child's handprint to make a keepsake jewelry dish out of clay; they're simple to make and make sweet Mother's Day gift suggestions. Every mother or grandmother's heart will melt when they see these adorable tiny dishes.

Process to Make

•    Create a little clay ball between two sheets of parchment paper. Roll until it is between 1/4" and 1/8" thick and has a diameter that is large enough to fit your child's hand.
•    Using a pencil, lightly trace each finger on your child's hand in the clay. Cut out the child's prints with a blade after removing the child's hand. Eliminate extra clay.
•    Use a tiny amount of water to smear away any clay flaws or rough edges. Using a wet finger, gently rubbed and smoothed the clay. Continue until the hand is as perfect as you want it to be. If there are any areas you can't reach with your finger, use a tip.
•    To ensure that the dish is durable and sits flat when finished, take some parchment and place it over the handprint. Gently press a book against it to produce a level surface.
•    Remove the dish gently from the bowl once it has dried completely. You can either maintain the dish as is or, as we did, use Crayola washable paint to paint the heart your favorite color.

A Huge Bouquet of Sugar Cookies

A handcrafted goodie is always a kind present, and receiving one is much nicer. Watch your mother sparkle with excitement when she opens her favorite dish wrapped in a large bow.

Process to Make

•    Break off outside stalks from celery hearts' bases at a distance of about 2 inches so that the cross-sections resemble roses. Allow to "soften" for 24 hours.
•    350°F oven temperature. Between two paper sheets, shape the sugar cookie dough into a rough 8 by 10-inch rectangle. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, until the sides are lightly golden, after chilling for at least 20 minutes to make it firm. Allow it to totally cool.
•    Loosen royal icing until it is like thick glue. Snip off the tip and transfer to a piping bag. While leaving a 1/4- to 1/2-inch perimeter all the way around, pipe a rectangle around the cookie. Set aside, slice some more of the bag's tip and pipe icing onto the rectangle, distributing it with a skewer as needed. Allow sitting for at least 12 hours until firm.
•    Use just enough water to create a thick paste when using natural food coloring. Stamp onto the iced cookie after painting a thin, equal layer on the celery. Repeat until the cookie is covered in flowers, and then paint the rose stems and foliage with a delicate paintbrush.

Lip Scrub For Your Mother

Come to Mother's Day, treating Mom to a decadent scrubbing scrub made with honey, caramel, and brown sugar feels like the ideal treat.

Process to Make

•    First, warm up your coconut oil gradually. Place for 15 seconds in the microwave. If after the first round it isn't liquefied, keep going with intervals of 5-10 seconds.
•    Vanilla, Honey, brown sugar, and coconut oil should be combined in a bowl. To mingle, blend.
•    Pour the mixture into the jars. For storage or gifting, place them in these gorgeous 4 oz glass jars.
•    This lip scrub will first have a watery consistency. Allow the scrub to firm in the jars for at most a few hours, if not overnight. As the extra virgin olive oil will separate and ascend to the top once the mixture has set, combine it with a spoon.


There is no substitute for the mother and motherhood figures in our life. They should feel cherished and valued every day of the year, especially on Mother's Day. We hope you find some good and useful ideas in this article to thank your mother.

Beth Norris

Beth Norris has years of experience working with top cosmetic and skincare brands for years  which reflects in her blogs which are packed with beauty and skincare tips. She has amassed a big following over the years, who wait for her content anxiously.
